(Watch) Know Your Candidates: Common Council District 17: Sabrina Madison
What Madison’s police oversight office can and can’t do
“Ald. Sabrina Madison urged the city’s future new chief to re-engage with groups “who lots of folks in the city may refer to as ‘hostile’ to police or ‘anti-police.’ I’d like to see whomever is going to be leading MPD make a conscious effort to reach out to those groups.”
(Watch) Warming centers in Dane County welcome public to avoid cold weather
(Listen) What Madisonians Want in 2025
(Listen)Why We Need to Talk about the Imagination Center
Gratitude Galore: Thanking Alders, County Supervisors and Community Members for Their Support of Social & Economic Development
“It’s worth noting that Ald Vidaver and I took the initiative to engage with the County before our vote, which proved instrumental in advancing our shared vision.”
(Listen) Why So Many Public Officials Have Called For a Madison Alder’s Resignation
Madison Public Market funding proposal increases by $3.3 million
“Going to the county to me made a lot of sense to ask for their partnership again,” she said. “We would not have been able to get this far without the county support.”
(Listen) Madison alders approve next year’s spending plan – with some amendments
Council to vote on censure of Ald. Charles Myadze amid allegations of harassment, abuse
“Sustained” or not, a City report doesn’t discredit Charles Myadze’s accusers
Madison’s City Council begins budget discussions tonight
Open letter to Dana Pellebon: Thank you for standing up for Black women
Voters pass Madison’s $22M referendum to avoid service cuts
Imagination Center at Reindahl Park Project to Receive $4.25 Million in Flexible Facilities Program Funding
Alder Sabrina Madison: Vote YES on Madison’s Municipal Referendum this Nov. 5
Sabrina Madison tries to keep Imagination Center alive
The alder and self-proclaimed ‘library nerd’ argues the Reindahl Park area lacks needed city services